By Nicole Roberts
28 Mar, 2022
An estimated one in seven people worldwide need glasses, but have no way to get them.
All around the globe visual impairments are a highly common and yet significantly undertreated issue affecting every demographic and region of the world. Lack of clear vision leads to setbacks in education, reduction in productivity, and thus, economic burden in every country. But, vision impairments are not borne equally. People who live in rural areas, are low income, minorities, women and older individuals are far more likely to have unmet needs for their eyesight. And those living in low- and middle-income regions are four times more likely to go without vision care.
Based on a report by the World Economic Forum chaired by Madeleine Albright in 2016, “A pair of eyeglasses could correct the vision of 2.5 billion individuals living with poor vision. Of these, 624 million need corrective lenses so strong that they are classified as visually impaired or blind without glasses.” In the U.S. alone, vision disability is one of